Spool Cradle Scan

The Operation

International marine contractor working on UK North Sea asset.

During a pipe-lay vessel campaign, customer identified a need to amend two reel cradle fixtures. After detailing the requirement to our customer, GGD Engineering, a part number discrepancy was noted which brought the diameter of the cradle into question. Viewport3 were contacted with a request to perform a scan of the cradle and reverse engineer the diameter of reel to match the unit.

The Challenge

Due to the client’s urgent delivery need, speed of response was paramount in task completion. Due to the topside nature of the task, site access and camera selection was unusually simple!

The Solution

Viewport3 attended client site next day to perform capture activities using high-end DSLR technology. We were able to work around ongoing activities, avoiding any disruption to our customer.
Following 3D translation, the diameter of the cradle was confirmed and hybrid drawings were provided to client, detailing the dimensions and radius of the cradle.

The Result

On completion of the dimensional report, GGD were able to demonstrate to their client that their understanding of the cradle geometry was incorrect, and the requested modifications would not provide a useable part.
This helped to avoid vessel down-time, and the associated cost of returning to port during campaign for urgent amendments.

In Numbers

It is estimated that the installation campaign would have been delayed by a significant duration had the cradles been amended as requested and issued for use offshore.